
Test tile

Founded over 20 years ago, Ceiling Professionals International (CPI) is the worldwide leader among ceiling cleaning companies. Our national and international network includes over 500 CPI dealers, who serve thousands of satisfied customers everyday. CPI is headquartered in Minnesota, USA, and is composed of three divisions:

Our Local Department serves customers in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota area. Our Project Managers, Technicians and Crews provide ceiling cleaning and restoration to a broad range of Minnesota businesses. Our National Department develops and supports new and existing CPI Dealerships in the USA. Our International Department develops and supports new and existing CPI Dealerships in countries outside of the USA.

The Unique Ceiling Pro family of 'spray on mist' solutions have been specifically designed and developed to clean acoustic and all other types of ceiling wall tiles and has gained widespraid acclaim with major organisations.

Ceiling Pro is new to the UK but is well established in many other countries worldwide with proven results since 1989. Globally, Ceiling Pro has thousands of extremely satisfied customers. We clean and restore millioms of square metres of ceilings anually. The photograph on this page is a test tile which clearly show the massive difference Ceiling Pro makes to the appearance of older ceilings. Outstanding results, every time.


Our clients include:




Watch our 3 steps video